Why is it that.....life always changes its questions when we have found the answers to the previous questions?
Why is it that we look for answers whose questions we dont know?
Why is it that answers to even the most obvious questions are so dreadful?
Why is it that we fear answers to certain questions but in heart of hearts we want to know the answers?
Why is it that we fear asking questions to that one person from whom we desperately want an answer?
Why is it that, that one person never realizes that he has to ask "something" n we have to answer "something".why is that when we finally muster up the courage to finally ask "something" .....he says....."I'm a bit busy can we talk later"?
Why is it then day in day out u wait for that one fone call?
Why is it that u r filled with 1 million joules of energy wen that name flashes on the cell phone screen?
Why is it that with every ring, u hope its him,with every msg u hope its his?
Why is it that if the call or msg wasnt his ,u lose 2 million joules of energy?? Why is it that one HI and BYE is more important than another 10 million HI's n BYE's?
Why is it that SHE gives the "answer" to his "questions" the way he wanted?
Why is it that now he could never see the pain,the tears,the feelings,the undying love that u had for him..?
Why is that after the person leaves we realizes his worth in our life and the depth of love for him which was left unspoken..unexpressed.......the preciousness he holds close to our soul?
Why is it that, he-the one who could once read your eyes,could hear you when u didnt open ur mouth, now, can't see ur eyes shouting?
Why is it that at one point of time in life he cant understand ur silence?
Why is it that you r happy within ur heart to see him happy with HER? Why is it u have such a big heart that u can see HIM with HER n being happy about THEM?
Why is it that he doesnt realize your eyes drifting away from his when he talks about "HER"?Why is it that he cant make out your fake smile when he talks about HER?
Why is it that u hav such a big heart and always get THEM together......immaterial of the heartache u go through??
Why is it after a big fight for begging n shouting for love, trust, understanding you suddenly broke apart..but thn too you still want to be residing safely in some corner of his heart?
Why is it that the relations we make don't come with tags of stability n permanence?
Why does it happen that after settling by all HIS explanations and arguments, our own explanations don't find a way to come out of our mind...n just a guilt remains forever..?
Why don't he ever listens..?
Why guys are always so dominating..?
Why do God don't make that person we bump into as our own instead of making us search for him forever..sobbed in tears...burdened by sadness...alone..lonely?
Why do fairy tales only exist in dreams..?
Why dun ever things fall in right place at right times..?
Why Life is just so "Unpredictable"..only at the wrong places..?
Why is it that YOU could never read HIS eyes? Why is it that some relations get so complicated and they then cease to have a name??
Why cant everyone go easy with fights and resolve as quickly as i do..?
Why can't i be like everyone else..."rude..angry..full of ego, pampers..cleverness..deceptiveness..selfishness"..?... :'(
Why do we cease to maintain all friendships n relations just for maintaining the bonding, making him happy, burying our self respect and respecting the thoughts and priorities of that "special someone"..without making him realize even a bit of all our sacrifices...n still he leaves one day for SOMEONE ELSE..without looking back...shattering your heart into million pieces..?????
Why do we only have to b satisfied with whatever happens..?
why not "happy endings" are something in REAL??
Why is it that both of you realize this when its too late......& u still wonder "IT COULD HAVE BEEN US!!!!!" Why is it that there is no Z after this Y.................... wish there was something after every WHY.
Wish there was someONE after every WHY.

I Love U...
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